5-Points Method

So you saw in our 'Test Your English' section?

Most of us already use a lot of words of english in day-to-day lives, however, not all of us pronounce them correctly. Also, most of the learners of english language have a problem in using these words and speaking in long sentences (we call them Ideas).

So what's the methodology we follow at Chrysalides ?

Good English starts with good pronunciation.

  1. So in the 1st few sessions, candidates are made to practise the most commonly used words, not in writing but in speech !
  2. Second, unless you have a good vocabulary, you won't be able to speak well So the 2nd stage is the introduction of different words (verbs, nouns, articles, adjectives etc.) and how they are used with other words ( and of course their pronunciation)
  3. 3rd stage- MORE PRACTICE of whatever learnt in 1st and 2nd stages.
  4. Then we move on to the 4th stage which is 'connecting different words together' and making long sentences (and ofcourse PRACTICE)
  5. 5th stage is Idea Generation. More of it you will learn in the class, that is, if you decide to not keep putting off your new year resolution of speaking Good English.
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